Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Stuffed Animal Hoarder

Most four year old's have a favorite stuffed toy (or maybe 2) that they sleep with every night. I know I did. * cough rotted frog *. I remember all of my fur babies. Ayla has a Tiger named "Ty Ty" that she just recently took an attachment to. Anyway, Brenden started out with a teddy bear and small puppy. There names are literally just Teddy Bear and Puppy. Yeah creative one I got there ha ha. Anyway he had these both since about 2 years old, "Teddy Bear" a little longer. Then for Christmas Santa brought  him a Snoopy. Snoopy instantly earned a permanent place in Brenden's bed. Okay, so 3 isn't too bad.
 Then just over the last week he went to the Doctor and they gave him these 2 little rinky dink gumball machine like stuffed toys, a penguin and another puppy after getting his shots. I figured they would get lost at the bottom less pit that is his toy box... but no. Those also earned a place in place in his heart... and his bed. Five. Then, just tonight he brought home a ANOTHER puppy he forgot a Grandma's house from Christmas. Oh my damn word. 6 . He now sleeps with SIX stuffed animals in his bed. Every night I dig threw his room to find 6 stuffed animals. If I don't find ALL six, and TUCK IN ALL SIX of these little ratty ass fur balls, he will lay in bed and cry until he  is tucked in with his COMPLETE collection. *FACE PALM* I seriously begin to worry about his sanity (not really. I have a screwed sense of humor, bear with me ) I am really becoming anxious that EVERY freaking stuffed animal he sees is going to keep !
 He is becoming like a crazy cat lady at only four year old, just with stuffed animals ! Will he become a real true animal hoarder when he grows up ?!  As a matter of fact he just woke up for a drink and John ( My Love ) just asked him if he had all of his pets * FACE PALM* LMAO.
 You know how I know his "desire to collect " is becoming out of control ? He has a queen size bed and his stuffed animals have the WHOLE bed and sleeps on the damn edge so his pretend animals can be comfortable ! Okay maybe that part is only my imagination taking over. Ha ha.  Really I think it cute (to a degree) and I'm *mostly* kidding. I mean it could be worse, could be dragging them all around in a baby sling or something  ;) Kids and their phases.. Gotta love em !


  1. I have about a 100 or so mini Beanie Babies all looking for homes. See ya Monday ;)

  2. I'm not laughing. I need to unload them somewhere. ;-)

  3. I'll give her 1 and, the other 99 to Brenden. ;-)
